100 Hearts Meditation Download

If you have been keeping up with Happy Hacks, you’ll recall that on January 1st I decided to undertake a daily meditation practice. I’m enjoying sharing all of the insight I’m gaining and tips and recommendations for beginning meditators (such as myself), and now I am so excited to share my very first downloadable meditation. Just recently, during one of my daily Facebook Live Meditations (which I’ve been doing daily at 12p pst by the way) I became inspired to create a meditation of my own and this one popped into my mind as if it fell into my lap. I’ve named it “100 Hearts” meditation and you can access the original live stream through my “April’s Daily Facebook Live Meditation Links and Resources” post. OR you can stream or download an mp3 that I have recorded to share with you here. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed creating it for you! I’d love your feedback in the comments or feel free to ask me any questions as well. Click here to read my 5 Tips for Starting your Journey into Meditation.


May’s Daily Facebook Live Meditation Links and Resources


“Someday is Today” Goal Setting